Phone: 07484 061 688
Email: [email protected]
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
Download a referral form

What we do:

Easington Employment Service is an employment service delivered by MHM, supporting those with mental health needs to fulfil their aspirations and goals towards personal recovery. People who wish to increase their confidence, independence and skills through paid employment, volunteering or education can achieve this with the help we offer. We can help with:

  • Vocational Assessments
  • Confidence Building
  • Personal Development
  • Access to work placements and voluntary work
  • Find and access training and qualifications
  • To gain the skills to complete a CV and cover letter
  • Job searching
  • To gain practical skills to complete application forms
  • Advice and guidance with interview techniques
  • Signposting to other agencies
  • Information on appropriate welfare benefits
  • Create Individual Recovery Action Plans

Supporting someone with their employment aspirations (paid or unpaid) is a key part of the recovery process. People report having better mental health and therefore use services less when they are in employment.

Our fully flexible range of work-related support enables people to join the workforce for the first time, re-join after a period of absence, re-train in the career of their choice or retain their current position.

It takes all sorts of different skills to do different jobs. Taking up learning can open up new job opportunities. By improving your skills or learning new ones, you can gain the qualifications you need to do the job you want.

Learning can also offer stimulation and new challenges. It is a great way to get out and about, meet new people and make new friends. Many people who take up learning as adults say it has given them increased confidence, self-worth and optimism for the future.

We can help you to retain employment by:

  • Providing support to disclose mental health to the employer and/or colleagues
  • Negotiating a gradual return to the workplace
  • Looking at possible reasonable adjustments
  • Identifying difficulties at work and work towards solutions
  • Providing information and advice around employment and disability related legislation

Who is this service for?

This service is open to people aged 18 years old or over, living in East Durham (from Murton to Haswell/Thornley), who need help to find or stay in work due to mental health problems.

How can I access the service?

If you think this service could help you, you will need to be referred to the service by a health or social care professional. We accept referrals from people such as GPs, CPNs, Counsellors, the Jobcentre, Community Mental Health Teams, and other care providers.

If you are a professional making a referral, please download the Referral Form. Completed forms should be posted to: MHM, Paradise Lane, Easington Colliery, County Durham, SR8 3EX.